The Diamonds in the Rough
I know it’s been a while since our last #DataPlusMusic project, but we’re back and this will be a great topic!

It is with great pleasure and excitement to be joining forces with Kayla Swain for this month’s #DataPlusMusic project tackling a great dataset of every Diamond Certified Music Albums! A diamond album is defined as an album that has sold over 10 million copies worldwide!
Get the Data!
The best part?
Don’t let this topic stop your creativity. If you have an idea for a killer music viz, the best time to put it out there is NOW!
Some housekeeping items
When you finish you viz:
- tag it with #DataPlusMusic on social media and/or Tableau Public
- Tag Kayla and I (@KaylaMeetsData; @HipsterVizNinja)
- Submit to the tracker (there may be some special surprises for those who fill out the tracker 😉 )