Dataset Deep Dive | US Baby Name Popularity
What are the most popular names in the US? Check out this collection of visualizations to see how popular your name has been
What are the most popular names in the US? Check out this collection of visualizations to see how popular your name has been
During the era of the novel coronavirus (COVID-19), global immunizations are going to be more important than ever. In this dataset, dive into the global immunization rates of nearly every country for more than 40 different vaccines dating back to 2
NYC and rats go hand in hand. And the 311 data set for historical rat sightings is a fun, different and interesting dataset to dive into.
The Global Temperature anomaly data is from HadCRUT office and has the potential incredible visualizations as evident by many examples that have already been built.
New Year, New Decade, New project. This a collection of 20 popular dataset from around the community. Practice something new. Tell a new story. Less time with the data, more time creating.